
Over on the Minimate Multiverse forum there was an "Alternate Universe" custom contest, where you were supposed to take an existing Minimate and imagine what they would be in another dimension. After rejecting SuperMerman and Double Dog Daredevil, I thought about squashing Donald Duck and Batman together and came up with Batduckman.
Is he a man who is half-duck who dresses up like a bat? Or is he a duck who dresses like a man who dresses like a bat? Or is he a man who dresses up like a duck and an bat? Whatever his true identity is, the mysterious Batduckman has become a champion for justice since he appeared in Gotham City. Batduckman has inspired his own rogues' gallery, including the Joker (former comedian Jay Leno turned murderous car thief) and the Penguin (an actual penguin who robs stores with a gun taped to his head).