In the year 1990, Marvel Comics introduced a new character named Cable. He was gritty, mysterious, used big guns and was usually drawn by Rob Liefeld, which meant he wore horrible outfits and had no feet. But somehow Cable struck a chord with comic book readers, becoming hugely popular.
Marvel saw how popular Cable was getting, and they decided to cash in. In 1992, Marvel published a two-issue mini-series about Cable, explaining his past and setting up a future ongoing series. It's this mini-series that established Cable's "look" to me - the oversized shoulder pads, the oodles of straps and pouches, and the gigantic guns. The artist, John Romita Jr., may not have created Cable, but he sure made him look good.
The Recipe
The 90's version of Cable is made from a repainted Minimate. Cable wears boots from a Colossus Minimate and a "big chest" piece, both detailed with a lot of Magic Sculpt. His various leg and chest straps are rubber bands with Magic Sculpt details. His gun is made from a toy handgun with a lot of Sculpey details added.Cable's face is a digital printout, and his mechanical arm details are from a water transfer decal. His hair is made from Sculpey.