Barrett Diablo (Formal Wear)

A few years ago I had a random thought about a man with a devil face wearing a black suit and fedora. I thought "Huh, good Minimate idea," made a note about my idea, and then promptly forgot about it. Then late last year I stumbled across my note and thought, "Wow, I had a good idea." So I made a bigger note to start working on him soon.
So this year, while I was working on my well-dressed devil (I was calling him Ol' Scratch at this point), the recent Charitymates theme was announced. And while I was thinking about fighter ideas, I thought about re-using my devil face artwork as part of a old-time boxer. So I began working on both Minimates at the same time. And while Barrett Diablo the boxer was finished and revealed first, Barrett Diablo will always be first to me. And now you know the rest of the story.
The Recipe
Barrett Diablo is made from a repainted Minimate, painted with a nifty shiny black to give his suit that ultra-hip silky look. His fedora comes from a Spirit Minimate, while his jacket comes from a Tony Stark Minimate. His tail is made from Magic Sculpt. Barrett's face and shirt details are made with water-transfer decals, with his pointy goatee made from Magic Sculpt and glued to his face.