The Mad Scientist
Over on the Minimates Multiverse forum, all-around good guy Fujis organized Charitymates: Monsters for Blood, a Minimate charity auction to benefit America's Blood Centers. I decided to help and thought that a Mad Scientist would be fun to make.
He was fun, but a lot more work than I was expecting. I tried a few different techniques making him, and added a bunch of accessories - like the Experiment. What good is a Mad Scientist if you can't include some examples of his handiwork? So I put together The Experiment - a monster in a mysterious high-tech machine.
The Recipe
The Mad Scientist is made from a repainted Minimate with decals for his face and chest details. His lab coat was made with MagicSculpt. The blood-staining on his shoes and gloves were made by loading a toothbrush down with watered-down red paint, then pulling the bristles back and letting the paint splash.The tools are his lab coat are a Bullseye knife and a pick made from MagicSculpt and a Wolverine claw. His hatchet is made from a MagicSculpt with a Daredevil club for a handle. His hook is made from a wire twist tie and trimmed Daredevil handle. The brain is made of Sculpey and mounted to a modified Iron Man "repulsor" hand.
The Experiment is made from a leftover head and torso of a 2.5" Elrond Minimate. I started painted him one night thinking I could make him into some sort of autopsy victim and instead arrived with what you see. His life support system is made from some C3 parts and pieces from a Hello Kitty candy container. I filled with dome with a fake-water gel used in flower arranging for a submerged effect and was happy that the bubbles formed all by themselves. The combination of the dome and gel create a distortion when you look at him, so the body looks bigger. I didn't expect that to happen, but thought it was a neat effect.